In more martini news... My friend Ann gave me the most adorable martini glasses and purse. I wish I had thought to take a picture before I opened the package because it was beautiful! It had loads of hot pink and lime green ribbons and tissue - she is very creative when it comes to wrapping (unlike me who slaps a gift in a gift bag minutes before giving it to someone!) The picture of the glasses is lousy but one has shoes (another favorite of mine!) on it and the other has flirty eyes painted on it. Very adorable!

In the pile of mail I faced last night when I arrived home was a tan pick-up slip from the post office. I rushed over this morning and lo and behold it was a birthday package from Melissa! It was filled with all kinds of fun surprises - yarn and a pattern book for dishclothes, some bamboo yarn that I've been wanting to try and the Mini-Clapotis pattern, a sheep tape measure and lots of other fun goodies. Thank you so much, Melissa for the fabulous package AND more importantly, for thinking of me on my birthday!