There was one more that looked like the one below but it wasn't a burnout:

I decided I liked that last one best and put 2 yards in my shopping cart. While I was pulling together the rest of my order, I was also messaging with Eve on Facebook. And wouldn't ya know it... while I was chatting, some other sewer purchased the fabric I wanted, leaving only 1 yard left. Phooey!! I wanted to make a flowy skirt and knew a yard wasn't enough but I decided to purchase it anyway and figured I would just make a fitted, pencil skirt instead.
The next day, I was thinking about it some more and you know how the shopping psyche works... Even if you're not madly in love with something you're considering purchasing, once someone else tries to buy it, that item is YOURS and YOURS ALONE and you have to have it! So I emailed Ann at GF and said, if by chance there is more than 1 yard left, I'll take all you have. And when my order arrived a few days later, there was almost TWO yards of the fabric. Woo hoo! Thanks, Ann!
So I made this over the weekend (note the squinty eyes = rough Monday morning):

The pattern is McCalls 4783 (oop). I first made this pattern (shown below) back in 2006 when I first returned to sewing.

[Side note: Lori, I cracked up when I saw your version on PR this morning. Even before we "knew" each other, we were twin sewing!!]
Pretty skirt! So nice you were able to get the last extra bits of YOUR fabric (I know that feeling!). Funny about the "twin" skirts with Lori.
Bonnie, you are a sewing machine ;-)) You are productive like I would dream to be. Wonderful skirts and yes you should enter the contest. I will vote for you.
Great skirt! I know what you mean about getting annoyed if someone "steals" your item before you can buy it. It has gotten me in trouble a couple of times on eBay - I just had to have an item, so I ended up in a bidding war and overspent. But, in the end, I won and isn't that what really counts? :)
Lovely! Your sewing machine sure is getting a workout lately. And I know exactly what you mean about it being YOUR fabric! I've put things in a cart, walked away as I wasn't sure if I really wanted it and then when it's been sold before I could purchase it I convince myself that I really, really, really wanted it
I know that feeling and great news about getting your 2 yards in the end. That is hilarious about our twin sewing even way back when! I still have my skirt, want to plan wearing them on the same days? LOL. Your skirt turned out wonderful, red and black are great color combos.
That is a fabulous skirt! I love it. I headed into the studio tonight when I had 45 minutes or so spare - didn't get alot accomplished, but I did get something done. g
I love red/black prints too! Your skirt is gorgeous!
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