Well, I finished the eyelet peasant top I blogged about last week. I still don't love the style on me but thanks to my sewing friend, Eve, I tweaked it enough so it's wearable.
I requested feedback from my sewing buddies on how to improve it and received several tips. Most agreed that an empire waist elastic fix would not be flattering. I tried Eve's tip to tie the elastic around the outside to see what it would look like and confirmed they were correct! Darts were suggested to give it more shape but I decided that wouldn't be ideal because it might require a zipper and I had already serged the side seams. Plus, making the top more fitted would change the style from a peasant blouse to... well... just a plain ole blouse. Several suggested belts (both waist level and just under bust) but I didn't like that either.
I was just going to abandon the top but lucky for me, Eve was on Facebook when I was assessing my options and we had a nice little chat. She was so encouraging and suggested a casing in the back with some eyelet inserted. I was envisioning a short casing in the middle of the back but decided to try a casing across the entire back. I like the way that turned out. Here's a peek:

Thank you, Eve!! I appreciate not only your help but your nice words, Sweetie! I liked Sharon's tip to add a long necklace to break up the white so I did just that!
As a reminder, here are before (on the left) and after (on the right) shots:

I love eyelet. This top looks great
That turned out great. Yay for perseverance !
Looks like great advice; I think the top looks awesome on you!
Night and day with just adding a casing in the back . The necklace is a great addition. I would even go for a bigger one like Burda does so nicely in their magazine. I like your blouse very much. I must be nice with capris as well. Excellent rescue. Bravo to your helper !
Perfect fix, that makes all the difference. It looks so good on you.
I really the affect of the redesign of this top. Nice.
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