I found the cutest idea for a little something to attach to gift packages. I found this fabric luggage tag tutorial and made a few up for some special friends. I have more printed and cut out to make for some family members. I did mine a little different than the tutorial - specifically, I used June Tailor Printer Fabric (a bit expensive but when you use a 40% off coupon at JoAnn's, the price is more reasonable) rather than the freezer paper method and I appliqued the address section onto a coordinating fabric, rather than use the whole printed piece as the back.
I highly recommend this project!
Me too! I'm glad you linked to the tute - I need to make a few more. I love, love, love mine. Thanks. g
I love the Uggs! And I see you are from Cincinnati too! Where is your favorite LYS?
Gorgeous Boots!
Work from home India
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