Monday, January 28, 2008

Woo Hoo!

Does my daughter look happy? She is - their team received a bid to Worlds!!


cidell said...

How cool! Congratulations to her! I *still* want to be a cheerleader :)

CathyCate said...

That's awesome and amazing both! Congratulations to her and the team -- it takes a lot of hard work to be up there with that smile and that splits!

Lori said...

Congratulations to your dd and her team. An awesome accomplishment. I bet you are one proud mom.

Sharon Sews said...

Congrats to your daughter! How exciting! I was on dance line but secretly wanted to be a cheerleader.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to her, I bet you're excited to get to go watch her. g

Janice said...

Congratulations to your daughter!! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

I don't really know what a "bid to Worlds" means, but Congrats!!!
She's is incredibly flexible, no wonder they're going to Worlds!
I do yoga, partly to keep what flexibility I have and hopefully add some, but I doubt I could have EVER done what she's doing (at any age) and I was a cheerleader. The sport has definitely changed since I did it however!!

Allison said...

OMG that's fantastic! Please tell her congratulations for me. That's so exciting. What I really want to know is how she bends like that!

Unknown said...

Thats fantastic!

Kellie said...

...and I'll bet you aren't one bit proud, huh? :) That's so cool! Congrats to her!!

ck said...

That's fantastic! An how the heck does she do THAT?

KnittyNancy said...

Congratulations! That's an amazing achievement! You must be so proud. Enjoy!

Cennetta said...
