I saw this on Jennifer's blog and I'm bored at the moment.
The Alphabet Meme:
A - Available or Taken: Taken
B - Best Friend: I have multiple best friends. Paula, Linda, Lisa, Ann, Denise. I rely on each for different things and each completes me in some way.
C -Cake or Pie: Pie (cherry or peach, please)
D - Drink of Choice: Non-alcoholic – iced tea; Alcoholic – lemon drop martini
E - Essential item you use everyday: toothpaste
F - Favorite Color: purple
G - Gummy Bears or
H - Hometown:
I - Indulgence: a pedicure or better yet, a massage
J - January or February: January – good relaxing, nesting month for me
K - Kids & ages: 3 of my own, 2 step – 19, 18, 16, 15, 12
L - Life is incomplete without: knitting
M - Marriage Date or Most Memorable Date ( and why): wedding date 3/13
N - Number of Siblings: 3 brothers
O -
P - Phobias or Fears: snakes and driving off a bridge
Q - Fave Quote: "My goal in life is to be the sort of person my dog thinks I am." – Emerson Quillen
R - Reason to Smile: my dog’s nose sticking out from under the covers
S - Season: Autumn
T - Tag 3 or 4 People: Allison, Janice, Karyn, Monica
U - Unknown fact about me: If you don’t already know it, I probably don’t want you to!
V - Vegetable you don't like: lima beans
W - Worst Habit: I’m a Messy Marvin
X - X-rays: Not counting mammograms and dental x-rays, I had my first ever in November when I broke my arm. Probably 6-8 since then.
Y - Your Fave Food: crabs – the kind from
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aries (First day of spring – hooray!)
How fun - thanks for playing along : )
Hey, I'm an Aries too. When's your birthday?
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