Just some ramblings today. First, isn't it wonderful... this knitting/crafting internet community? I have met so many sweet people. Before Christmas, I was reading
In the Bag blog ( she creates THE MOST BEAUTIFUL bags!!) and noticed some homemade notecards she had received. I love love love stationary (stationery? can never remember which is correct) and ordered a bunch of notecards from Karyn at
Trail Mix Designs for "girlfriend" Christmas presents. In addition to sharing a love of knitting and sewing and wishing we could quit our jobs to sit around and craft all day, we both enjoy reading (she's a high school librarian - very cool job!!) So out of the blue last week, I receive this package and it turns out to be a gift from Karyn. She sent me this very funny
book (started reading it last night, Karyn and it IS really funny!) And yesterday, she sent me a little note on one of her beautiful notecards (
go buy these notecards, peeps!!) Isn't it so much fun to receive something besides bills and credit card solicitations in the mail?!!!
Physical Therapy - I don't know if anyone who reads this blog is a Physical Therapist but you people are EVIL. E-V-I-L !!!!!!! Started my sessions yesterday and ummm.... OOOOWWWWW! So happy to have to do this twice a day for the next 6-8 weeks.
A Doggie Post - My puppies experienced their first romp in the snow Sunday. I wasn't home to take a photo but here's a cute one from a few months ago of them cuddled up together on the couch while I was knitting.

Cooking - I have been craving salmon for the last few days. I found this awesome sounding recipe at
Epicurious.com (great source of recipes; includes recipes from Bon Appetit and Gourmet) and I think it will be dinner tonight! Rice pilaf and some fresh steamed green beans on the side.
Happy Thursday to everyone!
Just a sprinkle of zest and a dab of lime butter sauce beautifully highlight the flavor of grilled salmon.
6 (6-oz) pieces center-cut salmon fillet (about 1 inch thick) with skin
1 1/2 teaspoons finely grated fresh lime zest
6 tablespoons lime butter sauce
Prepare grill for cooking over medium-hot charcoal (moderate heat for gas).
Season salmon all over with salt and pepper, then grill, flesh sides down, on lightly oiled grill rack (covered only if using gas grill) 4 minutes. Turn fillets over and grill (covered only if using gas grill) until just cooked through, 4 to 6 minutes more. Sprinkle fillets with zest and top each with 1 tablespoon lime butter sauce.
Cooks' Note: If you aren't able to grill outdoors, salmon can be cooked in a hot lightly oiled well-seasoned large (2-burner) ridged grill pan over moderately high heat.
Makes 6 servings.
It takes only 5 minutes to make this fantastic sauce. Once you see how versatile it is — it works perfectly with the grilled salmon and the grilled corn — you'll want to make it for a whole host of your summer favorites.
1 large garlic clove, chopped
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, melted
Purée garlic with lime juice, salt, and pepper in a blender until smooth. With motor running, add melted butter and blend until emulsified, about 30 seconds.
Cooks' Note: Lime butter sauce can be made 1 day ahead and chilled, covered. Stir before using.
Makes about 3/4 cup.
July 2006
Ian Knauer