Yes, I've had a hard time doing what I'm supposed to be doing today so I've done this instead:
You Are Lemon Meringue Pie |
 You're the perfect combo of sassy and sweet Those who like you have well refined tastes |
You Are a Chocolate Martini |
 You're an elegant drunk, who only likes the best bars and the most expensive drinks. A bit of a cheapskate, you're likely to mooch ten dollar drinks off both friends and strangers.
You should never: Drink and dash. You're gonna get caught leaving someone with the tab!
Your ideal party: A posh celebrity party you crash, with an open bar.
Your drinking soulmates: those with a Classic Martini personality
Your drinking rivals: those with a Blueberry Martini personality |
And finally, a Mommy meme:
I AM: a happy 43 year old.
I WANT: to lose 20 pounds
I WISH: I could take some time off from my job to catch up on my life or gain 4 more hours in each and every day.
I HATE: working when I want to be knitting or reading!
I MISS: living near my mom
I FEAR: I will die before my kids are grown
I HEAR: birds chirping on this beautiful spring day
I WONDER: what my children will “be” when they grown up
I REGRET: not taking more photos and video tapes as my children have grown up and organizing those that I did take.
I AM NOT: very patient
I DANCE: too infrequently
I SING: loudly (and poorly) in my car
I CRY: at the drop of a hat. You name it, it brings tears but I always feel better after. My oldest daughter is the same way!
I AM NOT ALWAYS: patient
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: food and knitted projects
I WRITE: sloppily! If I was a child in school today, I’d surely be sent to an occupational therapist.
I CONFUSE: directions and frequently get lost.
I NEED: 8 hours of sleep per night to be completely functional (and nice) but I rarely get more then 6 or 7.
I SHOULD: exercise. (ICK!!)
I START: new projects before finishing old ones.
I FINISH: most books that I start but not all.
I TAG: whoever wants it.
Off to the final lacrosse game of the season!! Have a great evening!!