I started the Penny sweater last winter (Rowan pattern, Biggy Print Yarn, Pool Party colorway). I saw the yarn and sample at a Super Bowl sale last year. The sweater took no time to knit due to the super bulky yarn and large needles but it sat in pieces in my craft room for a whole year as I avoided piecing it together. I bit the bullet today, printed off mattress stitch instructions and VOILA! I have a new sweater. It's kind of rough around the edges but I think it supposed to look that way. I used the lovely shawl pin purchased by my husband from Scout's store to close it (Click picture for close up.)
Last weekend's knitting:
I finished Clog # 1 (Fiber Trends Pattern, Big Kureyon and Paton's Merino yarn) and side one of the Trellis bag for ITEIII.

You have been busy. I love the Trellis Bag, and the colors you chose. And I love the color combination for your clogs too. Bet you are glad to have that sweater finished. I hate seaming, so I often have projects sitting around for awhile. But then it feels good to get them done.
Everything looks so great! I love the trellis bag and can't wait to see the clogs felted.
Congratulations on finishing your sweater!! Must feel great just having bit the bullet and done it! The clog and bag both look great! Can't wait to see the finished products!! Hoping to get my ITE III bag sent out in the next week or so.
love the trellis bag!!! I want to do one sooo bad!!
All of your projects look really great. Nice job!! The sweater looks great, just right with jeans to run around in and still look awesome!
Good job on all the knitting. Looks like you did a great job seaming that sweater. I like the looks of it. Will be a "fun" wear.
Beautiful colors in the clogs.
You have some felting to do!
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