Thursday, January 08, 2009

What are you grateful for?

Thank you, G, for nudging me. I have been very busy but I've also been pouting. As you can see, this is a pictureless post (I hate those!!) because my STUPID camera broke right before Christmas. I have no idea what happened. Took it out of the case and the lens is partially open. Stuck that way, it would appear. The kids have NO IDEA how that could have happened. Uh huh. You long-time blog readers may recall the demise of my last camera.

So anyhoo, I have no pictures of the last minute Christmas gifts I made; no pictures of my FANTASTIC meetup with my dear friend Allison in San Francisco (more on that later); no pictures of Christmas morning; no pictures of my recent knitting projects (yes, I DID say knitting).

My daughter and I went to the San Francisco area the day after Christmas for a basketball tournament. The team did well, made it to the final and the players, cheerleaders and families had lots of free time for sight-seeing. But the best part of the trip for me was getting the opportunity to FINALLY meet Allison. We "met" during a felted bag exchange several years ago (how long HAS it been, Allison?) and became great online buddies. We have wanted to meet up for a long time and this trip finally afforded us the opportunity. We met in what I think Allison said is the Castro District of San Francisco. Why there, you ask? Well, so we could go to Imagiknits, of course! LOL. What else would fellow knitters do? We enjoyed a great lunch at a Hunan restaurant whose name escapes me and exchanged Christmas gifts. Allison gave me the most awesome book of apron patterns and a very cute apron "kit" with a martini theme (imagine that!) OH! And I can't forget about the DELICIOUS Rocky Road Candy she made. (I almost forgot because it became history very quickly. Yum!) Then, we headed to the yarn store.

It was a great store! We both purchased a yarn called Azapa from Araucania Yarns (sky for me, natural for Allison). It's a lovely alpaca/merino/silk blend that we both cast on right away for scarves.

Finally, Toya posted a great message on her blog in which she asked readers what are they grateful for and encouraged comments. It gave me a wonderful "feel-good" feeling to stop for a moment and think about some of the things I am grateful for.

So.... leave me a comment (or leave a comment on Toya's blog) and answer the question:

What you are grateful for today?

Can be something large or small. I bet it will make you feel good, too.



NancyDaQ said...

Have you tried changing out the batteries on your camera? Mine will stick open if the batteries die while the camera is being used. Worth a try at least!

cidell said...

These days, I'm so grateful for my job. Seriously. I think about it everyday.

Meg said...

Ditto what Cidell said about having a job. I'm also grateful that everyone in my family is healthy. And that I'll be through with cheerleader competitions in two weeks.

Vicki said...

Yesterday I left a comment on Toy's blog saying I was grateful for chocolate crackles that a co worker made and brought to work. Today I am grateful that my daughter made chocolate cake last night and I can take some of that to work today :)) Small things - yes, even the small things I am grateful for.

Summerset said...

After reading Toya's post? Everything thing I have that I take for granted.

Lori said...

I am grateful for my job(even though my hours are dwindling), my healthy family and the fact I had a job interview today. Fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful that Abby is fixed and that we could afford to fix her.

I'm thankful that the girls are decent adults.

I'm thankful my spouse still loves me and me him after 14 years - and that ain't always easy.

I'm thankful for blog friends. Remember to call me when you end up in Seattle for work :) g