I have received some very sweet comments on recent posts but I don't have email addresses to be able to respond. So Stacy, Tonia, Lori, Designdreamer, Linda, Cidell, Sharon and Nancy, THANK YOU! It is so much fun to be able to share projects via the internet and your comments spur me on!
I made the following recipe for dinner last night. I adapted it from a recipe I saw in this month's Bon Appetit (specifically, an ad for Kikkomon Teriyaki sauce.)
Teriyaki Tender Salad1/2 cup smoked almonds, finely chopped
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup bread crumbs
black pepper
2-3 T oil
2 marinated teriyaki chicken breast, cut in strips (I had marinated breasts from Costco in my freezer but you can marinate chicken in whatever teriyaki sauce you like.)
Salad Greens
Mandarin Orange segments
Sliced Almonds, toasted
Honey Mustard or Aisan style vinaigrette dressing
Mix together almonds, flour and bread crumbs. Heat oil in skillet. Coat each strip of chicken with breading. Cook in oil approx. 5 minutes on each side, until browned and cooked through.
Toss together lettuce, oranges and top with chicken strips and sliced almonds. Drizzle with dressing of choice. My daughter added shredded cheese to hers.
So what's up with the pie, you ask? It's my favorite dessert in the world - Homemade Peach Pie. I baked it last night but didn't feel like eating any then so I brought it into work this morning. Perfect breakfast with a cup of coffee. (As a concession to it being breakfast, I skipped the vanilla ice cream that I usually like on top!)