Hooray! I finished the dress. I'm very pleased with it. Outside photo is a little blurry so I took one in my sewing room.
Pattern: New Look 6468, View B. (Yeah, i know, the pattern shows a hot pink fabric, too. I didn't do that intentionally; I just loved the fabric I found - it happened to be pink!)
Fabric: Woven stretch embossed from JoAnn's. Black lace with ribbon trim. Now that I'm looking at the photo, a black tulle under skirt barely peeking out the bottom would be cute!
Close up of the bodice below. Obviously, I omitted the rick rack from the pattern and trimmed it a little differently.

Looks great on. The cut of that dress is perfect for you. And don't you have like a whole closet full of new shoes to chose from?
I like the black trim you used. A real winner!
That is such a cute dress on you! Love it. So which shoes do you think that you will wear with it? ;)
Word Verification: zipzvl LOL reminded me of the zipper problem.
Beautiful dress and looks great on!! Love the look of the fabric too..Great job!! May have to get more friendly with my machine, you definitely are inspiring!
Great dress!! I continue to be in awe of all the amazing clothes you have been whipping up this summer!!! Your closet must be bursting! (Between the clothes and the shoe sales......)
So cute! And you look fabulous as usual :)
What a great dress and it looks fabulous on you. Now, go somewhere fun! You look gorgeous!
Looks really great!! WOW!!
You look lovely and so radiant in that dress, well done!!
You look wonderful in pink and your figure is so perfect to fit with this kind of style. Lovely!
Hey Bonnie glad to see that you are sewing again - the dress looks great by the way! The fact that you're sewing means you aren't practicing knitting dishrags so my team is totally gonna beat yours!!! This is gonna be fun! g
Very Lovely
What a great dress. Love the black details.
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