My friend Linda and I just returned from the Lambikins sale. I didn't go looking for anything in particular but look what yarn just JUMPED into my arms!! I bought 18 skeins of Blizzard (14 in a gorgeous purple and 4 cream) by Reynolds. It is a chunky/bulky yarn that will make a great sweater. I bought enough to also make a hat and some fingerless gloves. Did I mention it was 1/2 off????? Approx. $4.50 per skein!
The other yarn is Cascade 109 that I plan to make some little felted Easter baskets out of. The blueish looking yarn on the left is actually purple.
As usual, my Lambikins experience was superior. One of the employees stopped to help me before I even asked and the owner, Christine, also stopped by and was just as sweet and helpful as ever! This LYS remains my favorite shop in the city for its selection and service.
Enough of that Cascade 109 came home with me to make a Lopi-style sweater. Can't beat that price! :)
It was great meeting you today! I love your blog. I loved today's sale. I also picked up some great deals. Post pics of your fo with the cascade 109!
I guess it's a good thing I didn't know there was a sale 'cause I live about 2 miles from the shop! Nice to meet another Cincy area knitter.
Linda in Hamilton, Ohio
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