First, a few responses to previous comments.
Designdreamer: No I did not make my daughter's dress. Best of all, I didn't buy it either. She borrowed it from a friend! Woo hoo. (Oh.... and good metabolism. Although clothes hide a LOT!! Hee hee)
Daisy: Thanks for the kind comments!
Maree: Yup, quirky is probably accurate. My family and I certainly do not take ourselves very seriously. LOL
Now on to the latest sewing project. Picture on the right is Butterick 5030, View E. The fabric is a FABULOUS cotton lycra woven I purchased from Hancock's last spring. I found the bolt hidden underneath a rack of fabric. I love this dress and can't wait to debut it at a client meeting on Tuesday. Just wish I had some business-like red shoes....
As a side note, I've become a big proponent of not waiting until I have a large window of opportunity to sew. I started this dress last weekend and have taken advantage of little periods of free time here and there to finish it up. (Ten minutes before work one day, 30 minutes while I waited for dinner to cook one evening, etc.)
Full review at PR.
this is one of my favorite patterns, I love that fabric, where did you get it
That's awesome - a great alternative to a traditional suit. I like your sewing plan - I had a book like that once called 5, 10, 30 minutes to sew. It's a good philosophy for cleaning and organizing too (I think since I'm not linving proof yet)
Love the dress; some red shoes would really make it! i just got that book about sewing in small increments. Glad to see the philosophy works.
Taking advantage of a few minutes here or there is the only way I get any sewing done. Yes, things take me a lot longer than others but when you work full-time and have kids that's the best you can do.
It's a beautiful dress. That's exactly how I sew. My life is so busy that if I couldn't squeeze in 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there I would get very little sewing done.
Bonnie - love that dress! I just bought that pattern and the fabric for it. It looks awesome on you. I love the fabric. g
Looks great on you!
What a great dress! Love it on you! Ah I wish I had those 5/10 minutes of time...but I start so early in the morning and get home so late in the evening that trying to sew while I'm tired only frustrates me. So I do end up scheduling large blocks of time or I would NEVER sew!
Yes, red shoes! They would take an already great dress to another level.
Sewing in small increments is how I work much of the time. It is amazing how much you can do in a small amount of time!
What a great looking outfit! You look wonderful from head to toe!
I must try the sew when you can philosophy! I've been having a heck of a time trying to set aside a block of sewing time too!
The dress turned out way cute. Love it! Great work!
Hey stanger, Nice dress!! I love to see what new things your up too!
Love the Katehrine, I see some of her in me too..lol but I came out a Doris!
Have a great evening!!
OK Bonnie...everything I've seen that you've sewn has been wonderful. But THIS dress. Amazing! Love the fabric, love the shape, love everything about it. It looks great on you too!
Great looking dress, Bonnie. Love the bold print. I have adopted the same approach to getting project done. A little time here and there. Life is so busy now. I don't have big chunks of time to devote the sewing.
What a beautiful dress! Thanks for your review on PR. I'm about to make this dress and it was great to read several reviews first.
You look so cute in that dress! What a fabulous fabric and a perfect pick for this pattern! BTW I like the black shoes that you are wearing with it.
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