Yes, I AM an idiot. Thanks for asking. In a split second Friday night, I completely screwed up my holiday plans. I fell on my sidewalk, caught my fall with my wrist and crack! Broke my right arm (yes, I'm right-handed) just above the wrist in two places. Ended up having surgery Monday night. Hopefully, the swelling will be down enough by next Monday to cast it. And yes, I am right handed.
I am so disappointed. I love this time of year and this really puts a damper on things. No knitting; no crafting; no baking; no driving; no wrapping.
My husband is handling Thanksgiving dinner. Hopefully, the kids will help!
OK... That's it for the whining. I know I have much to be thankful for so I'm done feeling sorry for myself. Thanks for listening!
Oh Bonnie, I'm so sorry. You have every reason to whine. No time is ever a good time to break your arm, but right before the holidays....
I hope the swelling goes down. Awwww, I feel so bad for you :(
i am soooo sorry, bonnie. i feel really bad for you...hope the swelling goes down and hope your family does everything they can to make you comfortable and keep you happy so you don't feel as bad for not being able to do things that you want to do. : (
What a bummer! I hope you are not in too much pain. Hope you still have a nice holiday with your family. It will certainly be different!
I'm so sorry to hear about your fall!!! I do hope it will heal quickly for you so that you can get back to knitting. I wonder if your friends and family would accept IOU's of knitted items...or, you could just give them the yarn, patterns, needles, and anything else needed and tell them it's a do it yourself kit ;o)
Oh no!!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery. Please don't let it get you down. Happy Thanksgiving :)
Ouch, and not that there is ever a good time to break an arm, but right in the Christmas knitting crunch time ... not good. Give everyone a picture of what they will get when you are mended. Sit back and relax while hubby does everything and Happy Thanksgiving.
So sorry Bonnie - how will you knit??? I bet you will figure out a way. On the plus side, someone else will surely have to do the cooking this holiday season. I'll keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery!
Oh Bonnie...what a bummer!! Hard time of the year to be one-handed!! Hoping the swelling goes down and you heal quickly!! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving in spite of the break. If you need biscotti... just holler :-)
Oh no!! That is terrible. Hang in there!!
Hi, Bonnie ..... I am so sorry this happened to you. You are so energetic that I know this will be a difficult time for you. Guess you can only sit back and relax for a few weeks! Take care and heal well.
Debbie (Dave's sister)
Hey there. Yeah, this really stinks! I am going crazy. Oh well. I s'pose there are worse things that could happen.
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