I haven't posted much due to the holidays but I did finish some projects both for Christmas presents and a baby gift.
Project #1 - Baby sweater and jester hat for co-worker's new baby son. Pattern is from Lion Brand and the yarn is Cotton Ease in popsical, orangeade and vanilla (and no, they are not Miami Dolphin fans; my son picked out the color combination.)
Project #2 - Bengals scarf and fleece blanket for my daughter. The scarf is made in boucle and the fleece blanket is the simple, cut 4" square out of corners of blanket, cut 4" strips every inch and tie. She was able to take it with her to the last Bengals game of the season.
Project #3: Scarf for husband - very hard to see the detail but it's a pattern of k3, p3 for 14 rows, then switch the pattern. Almost a cable effect. i found the pattern in the little scarf book from the grocery store and knit it in Bollicine which is 50% wool, 25% acrylic and 25% alpaca in shades of blue/greay. It's for him to wear with his navy coat. It's still sitting on the chair where I gave it to him so I don't think he likes it! LOL! The yarn is wonderfully soft. I have about 180 yards left, I'm hoping enough for a hat for one of the kids.
Other projects. I am working on my scarf for the International scarf exchange. Can't show a picture of it because it's supposed to be a surprise but it is WAY COOL! I just started the decrease section on my second Clapotis in Lorna's Laces. It looks fabulous, if I do say so myself. Next up - a goofy felted hat as requested by my son!