I arrived home from a business trip last night to find a very fun package from my secret pal! She is Alison and check out all the goodies she sent me in the photo! She was so thoughtful to send me all kinds of fun Christmas goodies including candies and the cutest Santa and snowman salt and pepper shakers (among other Christmas doo-dads!) I love the baking book (Alison, did you know I LOVE to cook and bake???) I didn't do a very good job in the photo but check out the magazine holder - there are several more to go with it and Alison created little stickers to go on them for various magazines. It's almost as if she has seen the chaos I call my sewing / craft / knitting room! I love the blue squishy guy. I asked my kids if it was the cell phone guy (cingular maybe?) and my 11-year old informed me (in a tone that implied I'm not very bright) "Mommy, it's a HUG buddy." Oh... I didn't know. LOL!
The yarn was some samples of Karaoke from Southwest Trading Company and another cool little novelty yarn. I can't believe how soft the Karaoke is! I'm going to knit it up and compare it to Noro's silk garden!
Alison, You outdid yourself on all my packages. It was so much fun to receive them. But darlin', ya gotta tell me how you had all those postcards postmarked in different cities!! I'm stumped! There had to be 20 of them from different cities!