For some reason, this blouse took me forever; there are many pieces and lots of gathering and of course, 9 buttonholes / buttons take awhile. I basted the blouse together every step of the way to make sure everything worked perfectly and I must say, I am thrilled with how it turned out. I will definitely use this pattern again. I cut the blouse out before I discovered that I have a broad back so I didn't make that adjustment. Next time, I will add a 1" increase to eliminate the minor pulling at the back. Otherwise, I would make it exactly as I did this time.
Size: I used size 10 on top, including sleeves with the A/B cup; I graded to a 12-14 at waist and hips.
Fabric: Tomato red stretch cotton
After I finished this shirt and modeled it with a black skirt, I realized it looked very similar to my "uniform" when I was a waitress at Ground Round in college. We had to wear red blouses and black skirts and I had a ruffled front blouse. LOL. I hope I don't look like a waitress!