Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A New Beginning

Today marks a new beginning for me. I wanted to say thanks to all my wonderful blogger friends for providing all the support you do - both the intentional support via emails and comments and the inadvertent support through your interest. I'm glad to put 2007 behind me and look forward to new adventures and opportunities. I was going to post a sunset photo but that seemed a little pessimistic. I thought a sunrise was a better perspective.

I found this beautiful photo on the blog for Sugar Mountain Farm when I googled sunrise images. The colors are stunning and the photo seemed like a good fit for today.


Unknown said...

New beginnings! and a perfect time of year for it. Onward and upward - it will all be good!

~Tonia~ said...

So very pretty. Hope that your 2008 is much better.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie,I have no doubts that you will be fine and will carry with you that image of the sunrise in your heart to remind you. Take Care - g

Janice said...

New beginnings. We all need them! Wishing you all the best in everything that lies ahead! Each new day is a gift!

Lori said...

To new beginnings, Bonnie.

KnittyNancy said...

Wishing you everything wonderful for the New Year and beyond.