Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas Sewing Has Begun

Well, the first two "Christmas" sewing projects are finished and both are for ME!! This is certainly not a good way to check off my gift list. Anyhoo, here is the apron made from the panel that Allison sent me. I stopped in JoAnn's today to find a cotton that would coordinate and was so excited to find a fabric from the exact same line (see the burgundy swirly-snowflake fabric in the picture on the left below.) I am co-hosting a Christmas party for the neighborhood tomorrow so I wanted to make it up to wear as we finish the food prep. Thank you again, Allison. It turned out ADORABLE (if I do say so myself!)

The second item is not pictured here yet. It's a Christmas dress to wear to the party I just mentioned. I finished it but I'll wait to take the picture until tomorrow when I'm wearing the entire ensemble. LOL! But I'll give you a hint... Remember this? Remember that I thought it would make a cute dress? Keep your fingers crossed that my Spanx will work some magic for me!

While on airplanes this week, I finished knitting a headband and about half of a hat that will be Christmas gifts. And I cut out four other Christmas gifts that I will sew tomorrow or Sunday. Pictures to come...


~Tonia~ said...

That apron is adorable!!!!

Can't wait to see it all together.

Anonymous said...

That is a super cute apron! I can't wait to get into my sewing room to start sewing through my list. If I send you some of it will you sew it up for me? g

renee said...

To quote Erica B., and now from experience, 'Spanx are the truth'.