As with most eyelets, the fabric is quite sheer and has large holes so underlining was necessary. I used a white batiste that I found at JoAnns. The top went together quickly and the only adjustment I made was to take in the waist a bit to add some shape. I used my commute to work this morning to insert the elastic in the neck and sleeves. After trying it on, I realize I need to make a few tweaks. I forgot the sleeves hit way up high and cut the elastic too short so I'll re-cut and insert arm elastic. Here is what the top looks like right now:
Yes, that's right. A white shapeless blah. Here is what it looks like if I pull in the sides a bit:
Looks better but I think I would need to insert a zipper to get it on and off. I already serged the seams so that isn't going to happen. Instead, I'm going to add a casing below the bustline like shown in View D and hope it creates the shape I'm looking for.
I would like to finish this one up tonight and any input is welcome!
Can't help because I don't sew and lack a lot of the fit knowledge you gals who do sew seem to have, but I love a peasant blouse... on others. I've not found one that really looks good on me. (Not that THAT stops me from wearing them...)
I just posted this on FB, but thought I'd add it here too.
First of all I don't think this top looks as bad as you think it does. It could be that your eye just isn't used to that shape on you. That being said, I know no matter what someone says if I don't feel right in something I won't wear it. Try the elastic in the back to shape your waist as I think what's bothering you is that this hides your cute shape. That way you can still get it on and off. What does it look like if you accessorize with a long necklace to break the expanse of white and add a vertical line? I agree that the elastic under the bust just doesn't work well in a woven. I tried that on a top for my daughter and it was not a flattering look.
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