Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Last FO of 2007

Happy New Year, everyone! Hope everyone found some time to relax this past week.

I have spent the last week or so on the road at a basketball tournament and then a cheerleading competition. Lots of sitting around time so I did some knitting and reading. I made this headband and I LOVE the pattern. I intended it for my 20 year old for those cold walks across campus but she looked at it and said, "You're kidding, right?" Guess it's not fashionable enough for her. Whatever.... Another piece for MOI!

Pattern: Knitty Calorimetry
Yarn: Malabrigo - Autumn Forest
Needles: size 4
Cast on 100 stitches instead of the 130 called for in the pattern. I could have probably gotten away with only 90 stitches. I'm going to weigh the yarn on my postal scale at work tomorrow but I'm guessing it used about 100 yards.

No resolutions for me but I do love this time of year for the "fresh start" it presents. I have spent the last two days cleaning and sorting and organizing my sewing room including patterns, yarn and fabric. I'm not quite done but here are the before photos:

And here are some photos I just took today:


Jknits said...

Congrats on the cleaning! I know how hard it is because I'm in the midst of doing it myself. I hope you find new inspiration in your cleaner, more organized space.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie your room looks great. I gave The Princess a white calometory and she loved it! She thought it was the neatest thing. Maybe it needs to be in a solid color for your daughter. g

Lori said...

Bonnie, what a great job on the organizing. You have been very busy.

Karyn said...

Nothing like starting the year with a clean and organized sewing room! It looks great!

Happy New Year!

KnittyNancy said...

Your room looks great! I started to organize my computer/knitting room. After seeing your results, I plan to finish organizing mine.

~Tonia~ said...

The room looks great! Come over any timw, I have many things that need organized. ;)

The calorimetry looks great. Maybe more of a girly color for her?

Allison said...

Oh that's hysterical - I did "photo cleaning" of my office between Christmas and New Year's! We're always thinking alike. Mom wants to know if you'll come and clean her sewing room - bring bread crumbs!

Tany said...

Happy New year, Bonnie!

Cennetta said...

Happy New Year! That is a very nice hat. The sewing room looks great so far.

Linda L said...

Great job on organizing. I think we all have to do that sooner or later. I seem to be later and forced into cause I can't get around my small sewing area.