Sunday, March 23, 2008

No Pictures; Just a shout out to all my bloggy friends

I am bored by blog posts with no pictures but I have done absolutely no sewing or knitting since my last post... Ok, since BEFORE my last post. I panicked over nothing. My furniture is not here yet and based on the tracking, I'm thinking it will take at least another week. But in the meantime, I painted my bedroom a very soothing shade of blue. Kind of a robin egg blue although my oldest walked in and said, "Cool, looks like Tiffany's blue." LOL. I also painted the ceiling (first time I've ever done that and let me tell ya... I don't like doing that so much!) and all the trim and I bought a yellow comforter set and a new mattress set. Now, I'm just waiting for the furniture. I realized that switching from a king bed to a queen bed means I need new pillows, too. It never ends... I am holding off posting pictures until I get everything.

Thanks for all your sweet emails. My birthday was low key. In fact, the kids and I have not "officially" celebrated yet due to conflicting work schedules. But I did walk in to a very sweet Happy Birthday Mommy banner on Friday after my 3 days away. We're going out to dinner tomorrow to celebrate.

I just came down to my sewing room to return to my V8409 dress, which I had hoped to wear to a presentation in New York on Tuesday but it's not looking good. Let's see how ambitious I am for the rest of today.

Finally, Happy Easter! I hope you were all able to share some time with family and friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed that it was your Birthday - happy, happy! Enjoy your dinner out with the kiddos, those dinners out happen so rarely once they grow up.

Now get sewing and post photos! g