Sunday, February 03, 2008

One for my knitting buddies!

See! I still knit! I finally finished the pair of Fetching fingerless gloves I started over Christmas break. They are made from Karabella Boise, a cashmere/merino blend in a beautiful grape colorway. Hey! I just realized I bought this yarn last year at a Superbowl Sunday Sale and here it is Superbowl Sunday again. What a coincidence. Anyhoo, these gloves really don't take long at all; I just kept picking them up and putting them back down.

(Note to designdreamer: I don't have your email address and your blog comments don't reveal who you are either so I'll answer your question here. I'm not sure why other people like fingerless gloves but I think they are helpful when it's chilly but I still need to be able to use my fingers. i.e. in my office when it is cold. My daughter wears hers when she is walking to class so she can still talk on her cell phone. LOL. When it's really cold, I wear my Malabrigo mittens!)

And remember this set I made and mailed on Christmas Eve to my niece? Well, how cute is she?!!


Beth said...

OOOOOh - I've touched that Karabella Boise. Very indulgent! :)

Lori said...

Great gloves and your dn looks so cute.

Anonymous said...

those gloves are great! I made so many pairs over the holidays and didn't keep one!

Your neice looks so cute in her matching hand-knits. g

Janice said...

Yeah for knitting!!! LOVE the fetching gloves! And your niece is adorable in her little outfit.

monica said...

oh my gosh, your niece is so adorable and so is her little outfit.
I have yet to make a pair of Fetchings your look wonderful

Anonymous said...

your niece looks adorable in that cute outfit.
I have to ask, since I've been wondering this for forever. What exactly is the point of the fingerless gloves? Are they just a fashion statement? I can't imagine you'd wear them in cold weather do you? I've never seen them worn around here.

KnittyNancy said...

Your Fetching fingerless gloves must be so luxurious. They are lovely. Too Cute! Your niece looks so precious.

Jknits said...

Darling niece - how fun to see your work in action. Great fingerless mitts - and they match the manicure so well!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explanation. I had to look at your profile, to check where you're located - Ok Ohio. I used to live in the Midwest, granted a little further north, but I could not imagine not having my fingers covered in the winter. On the other hand, the company you work for must keep it pretty cold in that office!!! Burrrrr!!! Note that I live in (Southern) Arizona now. It's actually been quite cold here the past 2 days.

Cennetta said...

Nice gloves and your niece is adorable.