Monday, November 24, 2008

Knowing when to punt

First of all... thanks so much for the unanimous vote on my request for the jacket closure. Leather tab closure it is! I neglected to mention both trims were from M&J Trimming. Never ordered from them before. Guess I will now.

Anyhoo... one day can make a big difference. As of yesterday, almost my entire family was planning on arriving on Wednesday for Thanksgiving. Mom & Dad... two brothers... two SILs... three nieces/nephew. My three kids were thrilled with all the arriving guests and kept throwing out ideas for when they arrive. My son SET THE TABLE for Thanksgiving dinner last Saturday!! China... Crystal... the works! I started annoying my kids with "To Do" lists. Two turkeys. Lots of cheese & snacks. Liquor store run. Baked goods in the freezer. Do the laundry. Scrub the bathroom walls. Then I began annoying all the family that were coming with plans of "family photo", trips to the zoo, Christmas tree farm, game night, etc. But, bottom line is we were all very much looking forward to getting together.

Then BAM. "Bon, Mom's in the hospital. Better call Dad." Damn.

Hopefully not life threatening but days of tests ahead.

So plan to have all the east coast family come to the midwest no longer makes sense. Time for Plan B. Lucky for us that not many people are traveling this Thanksgiving. Snagged two frequent flyer flight tickets on Delta for my son and me.

Crazy thought - can I pack 26 pounds of thawed turkey in my suitcases? Yeah, probably not. But we just moved turkey day to my parents house where my mom can lay on the couch and convalesce with her family around her.

Anyway... Thanksgiving is about giving thanks. Mine have already started.

Gobble gobble.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I hope everything works out fine. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Have a happy Thanksgiving with your family!

  2. Bonnie, So very sorry to hear about your mom. Fingers crossed and best wishes heading your way. Have a safe trip back east. Can you carry on the 26 pound bird - ought to be a breeze taking it through security!

  3. Hugs to you and your family! At least you still can be together in a way. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Anonymous11:49 PM

    I hope your mother is okay. How good of you to be so flexible. Too bad your girls couldn't make it. Happy turkey. g

  6. Bonnie - I hope all is well with your mom! She will be in my prayers!!!


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