Monday, November 24, 2008

Need some help / advice

I am making Butterick 5142, view A (cream version shown above) in a cranberry red. I can decide if I want to use a frog closure like this one:

Or if something like this tab would be nicer.

Any other suggestions or sources of closures?


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I think the leather closure gives the jacket a more modern, up-to-date feel. That's the one I'd choose. I like that jacket.

  2. Anonymous10:55 AM

    unfluI agree with littlemis, but I DO like frog closures, just not my favorite here.

  3. Bonnie, I agree with the first 2 comments. I think the leather tab would look fabulous here.

  4. Do the leather tabs closure. It is more interesting than the frog closure. The frog closure is what you'd expect to see, the leather one isn't and therefore, more interesting to me.

  5. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Leather all the way! Much more "wow, how cool"

  6. Anonymous7:14 PM

    OOOOH, I love the second one! Where did you find it?

  7. In agreeance with everyone - the leather one!

  8. Late the party as usual, but I would go with the leather one. Much more unexpected and modern looking. And I also would like to know where you found it?


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