Sunday, November 30, 2008

And so it begins...

The frantic Christmas season, that is. I had a wonderful visit with my family for Thanksgiving. Thanks so much to all of you who sent emails and comments wishing my mom well. She was released from the hospital at 10 pm the night before Thanksgiving and although she continues to be tired, she was thrilled to be home for the day. She has been diagnosed with colitis and diverticulitis and has some fun times ahead until her condition can be brought under control with diet.

Traditionally, my mom and my daughters and I head out on Black Friday. We no longer go to snag bargains but we just think it's fun to be out in the chaos! LOL. But because of the circumstances, we didn't make it. I did take a quick visit to the JoAnn's in the town where my parents live and picked up a couple things. The pink plaid is a flannel for pj pants and the argyle is a sweater knit that I plan to make a tunic length top/dress to wear over leggings.

We started a new family tradition this year that was hilarious. The Ugly Ornament Exchange. Everyone brings a wrapped ornament, as ugly as you can find. (JoAnn's had the motherlode of ugliness at a bargain 60-70% off!) Then, everyone takes a number and we do a Dirty Santa gift exchange. It was a fun exchange that even the kids could join in. Afterwards, my brother hid all the ornaments around my parents' house. A fun little surprise for my mom when she gets better and is up and around. LOL

So now the Christmas shopping begins. I haven't purchased a single gift yet. I hope to do much online and I've already warned the kids that this is the year I really mean it when I say I am cutting back! We had planned to go get our tree today but it is nasty so I think we'll hold off.


  1. Glad to hear your Mom's recovering & that you had a good Thanksgiving with her at home !

    Love the sweater knit !!!

  2. Bonnie, glad to hear your Mom is doing better. What a great idea to hide the ornaments for her to find. She will have great memories while recuperating. Love the pink plaid flannel!

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Love the idea of an ugly ornament exchange. I love sending ornaments as gifts (usually I make them nice).

    I love that argyle. I haven't bought any new fabric this month. I need to get busy and make a few things before vacation. g

  4. I haven't purchased a single gift yet. I hope to do much online and I've already warned the kids that this is the year I really mean it when I say I am cutting back!

    You and me both, baby!

  5. I love the ugly ornament idea! That's way better than the Yankee Swap which always runs the risk of hurt feelings.


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