Sunday, April 06, 2008

So darn close!!!

My goal this weekend was to finish my trench coat. I had barely begun sewing it before this weekend but I thought I had a wide open weekend. Do you do what I do when you have a wide open block of time? Fill it up??? Aside from a 4 1/2 hour basketball/cheer banquet tonight with my daughter, I had nothing actually scheduled. But I ended up doing a bunch of cooking, a bunch of cleaning and a little yard work to take advantage of the sixty something degree day. Woo hoo! And then there was the trip to the music store to try out drums (the 13 yr old, not me, lol). And the trip to Lowe's to buy a lawn mower. And the grocery shopping. And the long walk with the neighbor. And Mass. Yup, nothing actually scheduled. But I digress... Back to the trench.

I am very happy with how it is turning out. All I have left is the hem and the buttons / buttonholes. It fits beautifully. My only disappointment is that I did not interface the lapel. The fabric was SOOOO stiff, I didn't think it needed it. It probably does. But I'll cope.

Here are a couple close ups to show the detail of the fabric, lining and buttons - this is actually a fabric from the home dec department. I don't know what you call it but it has embossed design on it, some parts shiny, some parts dull. Very elegant looking, I think. I used an olive green lining, which coordinates well with the gold fabric.

The pattern is Simplicity 4084; a Threads pattern. The pattern is quite clear. There are a lot of pieces and it took a long time to cut out - 2-3 hours. If I counted correctly, there are 18 pattern pieces for the main fabric, 13 pieces for lining, and 8 pieces for interfacing. I had planned to make view A without the piping but I forget to add the front yoke pieces until it was too late. So, I guess I actually made View B. I added the bow after admiring a similar look on some RTW jackets.


  1. Wow that's impressive! It looks professional but better than any trench I ever saw in the store.

  2. Bonnie, your trench is fabulous. Great job on the fabric choice and all the details.

  3. The coat is stunning! I LOVE the fabric! You packed a lot in to this past weekend!!!!

  4. What a beautiful, useful, wardrobe piece. Kudos!

  5. Wow! Can't wait ro see it on you.
    I love the fabric.

  6. Anonymous10:26 AM

    This is great! I admire how much you got done over the weekend - I had an extra day and didn't do half as much. g

  7. Great trench and wonderful fabric!

  8. Love the bow! Great detail.

  9. Spectacular! Beautiful work, lovely fabric, gorgeous trench!

  10. Wow, that is looking gorgeous! Love the fabric and the bow at the bacj - Tres Bon Trenchie!

  11. Gorgeous Bonnie! You are my sewing hero!

  12. This is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the back view! And your fabric is fabulous!

  13. Just gorgeous! So professional-looking.

  14. Anonymous2:41 PM

    That is fabulous! Wow! Seriously gorgeous!
    Thanks for your compliment on B1577. I do have to warn you that the directions on that pattern stink and hand finishing the casings is the way to go. You can read all about my saga with this pattern on my blog, Knit and the City.

  15. Love it! Outstanding.


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