Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thanks! And why I'm not as productive as I should be...

Thanks so much for all the encouragement on the dress-gone-bad post. I couldn't email all of you who left comments but I do appreciate the tips and encouragement. And you are all correct in that I forgot to interface before putting the zipper in. I do that EVERY TIME! I'm going to let it sit for awhile and return to it. It's a flattering dress style so I should persevere. It has more of an autumn/winter look to it anyway so maybe it will be my first FO of autumn 2008!

I am working on my trench coat (S4084), which requires a lot of concentration and precision. (Yeah, I know... smart move going from a failed project to this one!) I have taken advantage of my whole sewing room. Using all the counters to hold various pattern pieces and just giving myself lots of space. I was trying to sit at my cutting table to do some hand sewing and marking but it wasn't too successful. Why you say? Well, looking at this shot, it looks like I should be fine.

But I have a "helper".

And yet another "helper" (look under the table.) She is whimpering to jump on my lap!

Worse than kids, I tell ya.


  1. LOL! I know that feeling - I have one cat that likes to sit in my lap if I'm at the machine for a while. I also have two younger children!

  2. Your "helpers" are adorable. It's always one challenge or another. LOL

  3. LOL, yes at times they can be worse than kids. At least mine don't jump up in my lap - they just enjoy shredding patterns that happen to be laying within their reach :-)

  4. True re the puppies v. kids and you can't just plop then down in front of the tv!

  5. SO cute! My cats always manage to get in the way help...when I'm sewing!


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