Monday, April 07, 2008

Monday Miscellanea

What a glorious weekend we had! I really wish it had been a three-day weekend. I spent the previous weekend sick in bed - from Friday night to Monday morning - and so this weekend, I felt an especially exuberant boost of energy as I not only played catch-up but tried to take advantage of the great weather. Never enough hours in a day...

I posted a few recipes on my recipe blog. My neighbor is having some health issues with her five year old daughter and so the neighborhood food brigade has been enlisted to alleviate some of the household chores while they deal with it all. My day is today and I made Brunswick Stew, Spinach Citrus Salad and Soft Ginger Cookies. The salad is a new recipe to me from Sandra Lee's Semi-Homemade cookbook and is such a beautiful spring salad. The stew and cookies are two of my favorites - I was striving for comfort food.

After several months of neck and arm pain and lots of tests, the diagnosis is protruding discs between the C5-C6 and C6-C7 vertebrae that are pushing on the nerves on the left side of my body. Steroids and physical therapy haven't worked so the next step is an epidural injection this Friday. I did not have epidurals when I delivered my kids and after reading what the procedure entails, it kind of freaks me out! But if it takes away the pain, numbness and tingly and allows me to sleep, I'm on board. I haven't slept through the night in three months and I don't even have a cute little baby to help make up for it!

According to my doctor, the kind of damage in my neck is usually caused by trauma (like a car accident or something) but I haven't experienced anything like that. Just woke up with a stiff neck one day, tingly/numb arm the next and it progressively got worse. I suspect it might be because I tend to carry to much weight in my briefcase. So..... I am purchasing one of these two lovelies as soon as ebags has their next sale. Don't you just love the blue color?!! They also come in other pretty colors - pink, orange, green and of course, black, but I think I'm going with the blue. I prefer the style of the one on the bottom but I noticed some of the reviews commented that it doesn't hold much so I may default to the other one. Wonder if I can deduct this as a medical expense on next year's taxes?!!


  1. Hope the epidural helps the pain! Back pain is no fun!! As far as deductions.. you're better off deducting it as a employee business expense than a medical expense :-)

  2. I have the top bag in black with red trim. I love it! It does have problems going under some seats in planes (like aisle seats) but I just zip off the handle/wheels and shove that part in the overhead bin. I think I got it over the other one to fit my mac powerbook.

  3. Sorry to hear that you've been having back troubles. I hope the epidural will get you out of pain. My DH also suffers. It is awful. That's a great idea to go to the rolling bag. Those bags are lovely.

  4. Bonnie, so sorry to hear about your back troubles. That bag is darling and much better on your back and shoulders.

  5. I had back pain once due to carrying a heavy computer - hopefully the wheels will help and the epidural

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I've had the neck pain and the numbness.Cervical vertabrae 3-7. Also physical therapy, steroids, etc didn't work! HOWEVER, the epidural did work-- and still is a year later. Best of luck,

  7. You are so sweet to make the meal for your friend. It sounds really good. Don't worry about the epidurals - the fear of anticipation is WAAAY worse than the actual event. I've had three (one with each kid) and no biggie. My Dad has had a few recently which are very much like the ones you are having as he has some back disc issues. He's a big baby and didn't think they were so bad either so you're good! I TOTALLY love those bags but don't they have one in purple? Let me know when you find them on sale!

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Hope you feel better real soon.
    I have to admit that the whole gigantic needle in my spine, was one of the reasons that steered me toward natural childbirth myself. But . . . I had to have an emergency C-section for my third, and having them stick a needle in my spine between contractions was even more scary -- I did fine, but it was quite unnerving to not feel my lower body afterwards. I've had neck/shoulder pain for years, and the doctor (without taking an MRI, or even xrays), wanted to give me cortisone. I'vd heard too many horror stories to trust it though. Maybe I should consider an epidural??? Good Luck.


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