Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The next coat

Thanks to everyone who posted nice comments regarding my trench and more importantly for the encouragement on my neck injury and Friday's procedure. I emailed everyone that I had email addresses for but for those of you I don't, I wanted you to know that I really appreciate your kind words and thoughts! To Dotty - I was especially glad to hear that your treatment was successful the first time.

Although I still haven't put the finishing touches on my trench (been out of town), I already have another coat in mind. I just sent an email to order some of the gorgeous b'berry fabric from Michael's Fabric. [Edited to say that Sherri of Michael's fabrics couldn't be nicer to deal with! I can't wait to receive my fabric.] Specifically, I ordered RC03 - turquoise cotton on one side and the b'berry print on the other side. I now have to pick the right pattern. I am considering these three:

New Look 6736 Look at Ande's adorable version here!

Vogue 8480 Erica's bright yellow version can be seen here. Too cute!

McCalls 5635

My new briefcase is on the way! (Why no, it didn't go on sale and you are correct that I have no willpower. akimbo, your testimonial pushed me over the edge! lol) I decided the blue one would get dirty very quickly after being thrown in airplane overheads, under seats, on the bus, etc. No to mention the daily trips to the office. So, I selected the red one instead hoping it would hide the dirt a little better. Snazzy, no?

And finally, thanks to Mimi for nominating me for the "Excellent Blog" award! I'm suppose to nominate ten other blogs but that will have to come on a later day as I promised my son I would take him to the music store and he's been hovering over my shoulder for the last 30 minutes! Ta ta for now.

Edited to add that as I caught up on my Bloglines, I realized Nancy of SewWest (I love everything she sews!!) also nominated me. Thank you, Nancy! That was so sweet of you!


  1. :) I love that shade of red. I think I didn't get red because it clashed horribly with my pear green suitcase!

  2. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Woot! Thanks for the shout out! Now I have to go check those other ladies finished garments because if I stay here any longer I will steal your new bag! I love it so!

  3. I like the Vogue pattern the best! How could I not love a *red* briefcase, really? It's fabulous and better ergonomically for you, no reason to wait for a sale.

  4. I've been enjoying my Vogue jacket, so I would pick that one!

  5. I like the red, good choice. I vote for the Vogue coat, a bit different than your trench and a great style.

  6. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I like the Vogue coat. I really have to dig out mom's sewoing machine. Reading your blog has made me wnat to sew in addition to knit.

  7. Anonymous5:58 AM

    All the patterns are great! Since you have a long one already, why not make the short one like Erica B's? Any of these [atterns would be great though.

    Please let me know how your porcedure goes--this type of pain is hard for other people to understand- I went for about 9 months before mine was finally diagnosed and fixed!

  8. Congratulations on your Excellence Award.
    Sorry I haven't been by your blog ately. I hope you are doing well.

    I like all of your picks; I have two of your patterns choices.

    Happy Sewing!

  9. That Burberry fabric is so tempting, especially the turquoise! I think the shorter jacket would be better in the bright colour.

    Thanks also for the birthday wishes! I made myself a birthday dress, which I must blog about.


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