Saturday, March 29, 2008


I put the zipper in my dress (V8904) today and it is awful. It screams "home ec sewer." The top back bodice is all scrunched up and the mid-bodice band is not properly aligned. I was so careful cutting out the fabric so it would all line up but the fabric was a loose weave and it was stretching as I sewed it. But delusional me just kept thinking, "it won't be noticeable." I lined the bodice with a fabric that did not stretch - hence the gathering.

I also don't like how the crossover lays in the front. I think I could fix that by simply tacking it down but I don't know if I have the enthusiasm to fix the back. Plus, because it's a woven fabric, it is not very comfortable. Although it fits perfectly through the waist, hips, butt, it still feels odd because there is no give at all. I've been spoiled with knit dresses.

This will go on a hangar as a UFO until I decide to take it apart and re-sew the bodice. And the biggest irritation is that this was THE MOST PERFECT invisible zipper installation. At least it was the best I've ever done.


  1. Oh dear, that is a shame. It looks like a nice dress, too.

    You might want to try interfacing the fabric along the edges before reapplying the zipper. This helps me a lot when I'm putting a zipper in an unstable fabric.

    Another trick I've picked up is to mark the seams on the second half of the zipper tape after you've put in the first side. It helps you to line up the zipper evenly.

  2. Oh, Bonnie, sorry about that. I agree with Nancy, a bit of interfacing may help.

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    oh snap,, well I am totally speechless.

  4. Ahhhh, bummer, dude . . . such beautiful fabric and perfect for the style of dress. Let it rest for a while -- I don't think it's a total loss.

    After you're over it, pick out the zipper and go with the interfacing hint from nancy. You should be good to go after that.

    Hope the remainder of your projects are an A+.

  5. So sad. :( That is a great dress and I do hope that you'll be able to work out the zipper.

  6. Aw, happens to the best of us. Good idea to step away a bit and come back to it later. The front (from the other post) looked great, maybe you'll be able to salvage it.

  7. Ugh, that's got to be incredibly frustrating. I agree with Nancy, and I'd also iron/steam out the backs and compare them to the pattern pieces. If there's any way above that band to recut a bit to get the right size, I'd do that, then staystitch it so it won't stretch any more, interface and then put the zip back in. I know it sounds like a lot of trouble, but you really have a great dress there and since you've put the time into making it, you should be able to wear it!

  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Thank you so much for posting that pic of your zipper mishap. I am sure you will get it fixed. It makes me feel better about myself. I recently was sewing silk charmeuse for the first time and broke my sewing machine needle which then proceeded to rip and tear my fabric. It was not salvagable.

  9. Ugh, I'm sorry for this, I hope you can fix it. It's a good idea to lay it down for some time and then come back to it when you feel ready


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