Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hem Length?

Edited to show results on 2/17/08:
Thanks to all of you who voted in my poll. I am feeling a little like the Presidential-hopefuls Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000 when the election results in Florida were so close it took days to resolve. (Ok, maybe that comparison is a bit dramatic.) Here are the results from my not-so-scientific poll:

Web Poll Powered By MicroPoll

Although hardly a landslide, I'll go with the hem where I proposed it and will pick the shoe depending on my mood the day I wear it! Thanks again for your opinions.

[This is the beginning of the original post.]

I'm just about finished Vogue 8351. I used the neckline (with modifications) from View A and the long sleeve from View B. All I have left is the hemline and I need advice. Does it look too short? Or should I go an inch longer and hit the knee? This will be a dress for work so I want it to be on the conservative side. Also, pumps or boots? (Nobody was home to take the picture so I did the typical blurry bathroom mirror picture. I'll have someone take a good one when I'm finished so you can actually see what the dress looks like!)

Let's do a poll, shall we?


  1. Sorry I missed the poll... The dress looks beautiful!

  2. Yes, darn I missed the poll too! I just found your blog but will add I like the version with boots best :) . The heels are nice, but are a more conservative look, while the boots make it a little more edgy and hip. So I guess it depends on how you feel in the morning.

  3. The pumps look good with the dress, but the boots really give it some va-va-va-voom! I vote for the boots

  4. Oh, I missed the poll too...I like the version with the boots!

  5. Darn. I love voting. I missed the poll! I was going to say boots. the dress is ADORABLE!!


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