Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday Ramblings & V8351

This was a terrific weekend. Nothing monumental happened. I barely even left my house. But many things went right and sometimes that's all you need for a "terrific" day / weekend instead of just an ordinary day / weekend.
  • I finished all the work I brought home from the office in the time I budgeted (that NEVER happens).
  • I got a lot of baking and cooking done - something I've been neglecting and missing. I posted recipes for Potato Soup and Italian Pineapple Cream Cake on my recipe blog. I also baked the Pecan Wedding Cookies that I've been craving for weeks and a batch of chocolate chip cookies (see photo.)
  • Not new to this weekend, but DAMN, I have incredible kids! Not the reason I'm stating this but when I arrived home at 9:30 Thursday night (Valentine's Day) from a business trip, I was greeted with the pretty flower arrangement shown in the cookie photo as well as other gifts. This has been a rough year for me and my kids are so in tune! I have tried to shield them from my personal feelings but they continue to amaze me with their thoughtfulness and kindness.
  • I made it to Mass two weeks in a row (after a year hiatus.) Sometimes, all it takes is a reminder to look at the glass half full to turn things around - that's what I get from Mass and what I have missed.
  • I finished V8351. I look... ahem... large in these photos but I don't think that when I look in the mirror. What's up with that? (see more below)
  • I finished a pair of sweatpants that have been sitting for weeks in my sewing room for no good reason. They only needed a hem.
  • I finished all the cleaning I intended to do for the week (another thing that NEVER happens.) That includes putting all the laundry away!
  • Middle daughter and I were only ones home today and had a very nice day. (She's 17. "Nice" days tend to be fleeting. We're at that extreme high / extreme low stage of mom / teenager relationships.)
  • My good friend and co-worker is celebrating his birthday this week (hence the Italian Pineapple Cream Cake.) We have been through a lot over the last twelve years and are looking forward to developing good things with our segment of the company. (More to come on this....)
  • Dogs did not poop on the floor one time. Yes, they are two years old. Do you have a point?
  • The sun came out (ever so briefly) this afternoon.
The negatives are that I didn't get my taxes done and I didn't finish my dishcloth to accompany the apron - I had hoped to mail tomorrow morning. I also thought I would get another piece sewn but DANG! I can't decide what I want to do next! I have WAY too many projects on my to do list.

So V8351.....

I posted a poll to question whether the hem length I was considering was appropriate and whether this would look better with pumps or boots. The results were inconclusive so I decide to stick with the hem length I originally considered and wear it with either boots or pumps depending on my mood. After closing the poll, I received three emails saying boots are best. I do like both looks but my daughter and I decided the pumps (shown on the right) should be worn with tan tights or neutral panty hose.

I hope you all had a great weekend.


  1. Thanks for sharing your Sunday. You get a lot done, and you sound like a normal human being. I do really like your dress, also. Hope your week goes well.

  2. Anonymous9:12 AM

    You were very productive this weekend. Yay you! I am having the same "fleeting moments of happiness days" with my own 18 year old! The dress is really cute and the choice of accessories great!

  3. Your dress looks great on you! I also think that it looks great with both shoes.

  4. What a great weekend! My weekend was also wonderful. Your wonderful inspiration encouraged me to start organizing my craft/computer room. It already looks so much better.

  5. WOW - how do you manage to get so much done. All of those accomplishments would surely make one proud. Awesome kids for Valentines.

    Oh and love that apron pattern. I'm going to order it, too.

  6. Thanks for sharing yor weekend, sounds like you had a good day/weekend. What a sweet thing your kids did for you. I really like your dress with the boots or shoes, nice decision on the length.

  7. Sounds like you had a productive weekend!
    I know I'm late for this one, but I think you should keep the length on the dress short and I love it with either shoe.

  8. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Bonnie I too think the dress will work with either black tights and boots or pumps in the Fall/Winter and then nude nylons and black or taupe shoes in the Spring. What a great dress.

    As I'm sure you know - once they move out the entire relationship dynamic changes - and gets better. g

  9. Very very cute dress! Looks great on you


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