Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow is not always a bad thing

Because of the snow and ice storm we experienced today, I had to cancel two trips scheduled for today and tomorrow. (Long story but itinerary changes were going to cost a fortune. Delta's grip on the Cincinnati market is unbelievable!) So, although I participated in the first 4 hour meeting via conference call, I avoided 3 hours of auto commuting and 6 hours of air commuting. That's a whole day I gained! Woo hoo!

So as soon as I logged off my work computer, I headed straight to my sewing room to use my "found" time. I decided my next project is going to be Vogue 8351, a morph between View A & B.

I am going to do the scoop neckline from View A with the longer sleeve from View B. I raised the neckline an inch and brought it in from the sides about 1/2 inch so it was more suitable for a work dress. Dominantly male industry + professional woman in low cut dress = disaster!!

I am using the fabric shown below, which was also used for Lori's top (Girl's in the Garden) and this dress (this exact fabric is used in the Simplicity pattern photo.) I purchased the fabric from JoAnn's clearance rack for $3 / yard.

And on another note, since I was home for lunch, I used up the leftovers from French Dip Sandwiches I made a couple days ago to make beef and noodles.

Gotta run... My son just called me - "Dinner's Ready, Mom". Ahhhhh, what a great day. Life is good.


  1. Can't wait to see your dress finished!

  2. Love the fabric! Wish I had time to sew, it's been awhile. . .

    Thanks for entering my giveaway last month!

  3. Can't wait to see your dress. Happy to hear you enjoyed your day at home.

  4. I love snow days. And it sounds like it turned into a good one for you.

    Your new dress is going to be so pretty.

  5. What a wonderful and thoughtful son! I'm sure that his dinner was delicious. Your dress will be beautiful.

  6. How about sending some snow to Florida? I need a snow day!
    I've had my eye on that dress pattern, can't wait to see yours done!

  7. No, snow days aren't a bad thing! We actually have one today!

  8. Yeah for snow days!! Can't wait to see your new dress. And thanks for the recipe! I've bookmarked your new recipe blog and will visit often!


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