Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Facebook & Misc Chit Chat

Lately, it seems like all of a sudden everyone is joining Facebook. Carolyn discussed this phen0menon and posted a link to a Time Magazine article that I thought was interesting. I signed up a few months ago and have really enjoyed re-connecting with people I knew years ago. Previous colleagues.... friends from junior high school.... old sweethearts. It's really a lot of fun! And of course, there are sewing and knitting groups among many others to connect with others who have similar interests. So like Carolyn, I'm curious... have many of you also joined?

For those of you experiencing this huge storm, be safe! We got 6" of snow yesterday and freezing rain that coated the trees all night. Now it's snowing again and they are predicting another 2-4". The concern is the snow on the icy trees will cause they to break, pulling down power lines. I hope that none of you lose power!!!

Finally, a customer service announcement. If you have never tried M&J Trimming, now might be the time. They are offering 20% for first time customers. Use the code First09 to get the discounted. I have no affiliation with them, in fact I never even received a first time discount but I had a good experience with them and love their selection.


  1. I love M&J Trims! I spent an hour in the store yesterday picking out trims for my faux-Chanel jacket. Their web site is good but the store is 1000 times better! I'll try to post about it later this week.

    I think Carolyn should join FB, don't you?

  2. I did a little with facebook a couple of years ago, but then deleted it. I've moved, leaving behind some people in life that were truly unhealthy, facebook makes it too easy for those people to find you too. Ask me how I know. I'm north-west of you about 3 hours, we got more snow, less ice. Today's snow measure was 4" from Monday night, 10" from Tues/Wed, giving us a grand total of 14" on the ground! Still no school as they continue to dig us out.

  3. I've signed up for Facebook, but really don't have time to do much with it. Maybe someday. It's great that it's there.

  4. How would one find you on facebook? I just joined so I can keep tabs on my kid, but Imight as well coneect with my friends while I'm on there.


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