Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Hey Everybody

Just wanted to post quickly to say thanks to all of you have emailed me. I am definitely fine. Life is just too busy on many fronts at the moment. I miss the sewing and the knitting and the blogging and am wishing for things to slow down soon.

I did see on G's blog that the Dish Rag Tag is starting up again. It was a very fun contest last year and the organizer did a terrific job. I won't be participating this time due to time constraints but I encourage others to "play"! It was great fun! See the link for rules and sign up process. (Limited participation so better move fast if you're interested.)

Hugs to all!!


  1. Glad you are alive! I did sign up for Dish Rag Tag. I figured I can knit one lousy dishrag right??? RIght???

  2. Glad your during well.


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