Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm aching to sew!

We just returned from a week long vacation in Delaware. My parents own a small home on the Indian River and my brother lives right on the beach just south of Dewey. It's a fun place to go and relax and spend some time on the beach. In addition to my parents, all three of my brothers (that's us to the left) and their families were there so it was nice to spend time with everyone.

I was able to read two books while lounging on the beach - The Zookeeper's Wife (by Diane Ackerman) and Beach House (by Jane Green). I recommend both although they are certainly two very different books!

On one rainy afternoon, we saw the movie Hancock with Will Smith and Charlize Theron, which I really enjoyed but my son thought was stupid.

Remember the outfit I made for my niece. well, I think she is quite possibly the cutest one year old EVAH!

So now, I'm catching up on laundry, cleaning, work, etc. and haven't had a chance to sew even a stitch. Before I left, I cut out this cute dress (McCalls 5660) in a lightweight yellow twill. I hope to get just a few minutes to sew tonight. Fingers crossed!!

Oh and in case you have been living in a cave and hadn't heard.....

Project Runway starts in two days!!!


  1. Bonnie,

    As I've probably told you, my husband's sister lives in Dover, Delaware. Last week he went to the beach with her and 11 other family members - they went to Rehobeth. I think he may have driven over to Dewey too. I stayed here.... blessed peace - LOL!

    Linda in VA

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    OMG! Smell it, smell it, smell it! That's nasty, stanky, skunky CUTE! I think the Three Brothers Hotness is contributing to the cute stank!

  3. thanks for the heads up on Project Runway! Love the little outfit - I think you're right - quite possibly the cutest ever.

  4. What a great vacation... beach + family + reading! And yes, I'm counting down right along side you (and watching the marathons even though I've seen them a million times already)!

  5. Sounds like you had a great time! I have just bought the book Beach House as well - too funny. I finished the Other Boelyn Girl on the trip - LOVED IT! Have you read any of her others? Are they as good? I love the hat on your little cutie - she is adorable. Glad you had a good time. Miss K is going to sewing camp this week with Mom so she may catch your bug!

  6. Oh how I miss sewing little girl clothes (little girls are now 19 and 21). I just found a 'watermelon' set that other day that I made for my youngest, and I may just have to post a picture of it for nostalgia sake. I bet your niece gets stuffed into that dress at every possible opportunity.


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