Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

I have been thinking about making some reusable fabric grocery totes. I have a couple from Trader Joe's that I TRY to remember to carry into the store to eliminate at least some of the plastic grocery bags. I think it would be fun to make some decorative ones so I can look both chic and eco-friendly. Ha ha ha. My mom mentioned a month or two ago that she would like to start using reusable bags, too, so I would like to make some for her, too.

Anyhoo, can anybody point me to a basic pattern for a simple shopping tote? I would want it to have a wide enough bottom and enough height to hold boxes of cereal and the like. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I could draft a pattern as simple as that myself but PEOPLE.... I am too busy looking chic and saving the earth. I mean really... only so many hours in the day!


  1. This tutorial uses pillowcases. It's my favorite.


  2. Not sure if this is the style that you're after, but here's a free download from Burdastyle:


  3. I sell customized shopping totes on Etsy!


    Perhaps you would like a photo or something transfered onto the bag!

    Have a great day!


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