Monday, April 21, 2008

Butterick Recall

Remember Butterick 5173? The pattern was recalled due to the serious error. They offered a replacement pattern if you returned the faulty pattern. I mailed mine last Monday and received the replacement today. I think that's fast customer service!

Butterick included a coupon for a free See & Sew pattern to compensate for the shipping. I think I'm going to pick 5168
I like the jacket.

After browsing the See & Sew patterns, there were not too many that appealed to me. Is it me or is the fit of the garments on the models really bad? Look at this - the turquoise dress looks to be about two sizes too big for the model:

And this - both crotches are all wonky:


  1. That jacket is very cute!

  2. A pattern recall? Serious errors?? LOLOL! Can't even trust the patterns now?

    I love the jacket pattern. Would look great in a washed-out denim fabric to wear over a tank, drinking margaritas on an outside deck on a cool spring/summer evening! Get crackin'


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