Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Life is good. Life is good. Life is good.

Thanks for stopping by in the middle of my chant. If you had stopped in earlier, you would have gotten an earful of all kinds of crappy stuff I've been dealing with for the last ten days but then I remembered that:

You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous. True

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. I think this is true

Ahem. So to avoid sounding like a hypocritical crankpot, I'm putting my Pollyanna mask back on and sharing the GOOD stuff that has happened to me in the last week.

Preliminarily finished my taxes and I am due a refund. Helpful after the last year.
My daughter's team won first place at a national cheer competition and received a standing ovation to boot.
Spent several beautiful warm and sunny days relaxing with my parents in Florida. And made some delicious fish for dinner. Recipe here.
Received the cutest, springiest apron around! Sent by my wonderful partner Laura Lee for the Sassy Apron Swap. She shared a very sweet story about her personal inspiration for this design, which makes the apron extra special to me. This springy apron deserves a sunny picture so I am waiting to post until I can snap a good one outside.
Anticipated some serious house cleaning upon my return today (after neglecting it for almost two weeks) but discovered my 17 year old had already done much of it for me! Biting my tongue to ask her how she knew where the mop was.
Ok, hold your surprise... These babies I was daydreaming about earlier are now mine. And I got them for less than I expected - only $25! "Bonnie" also means "Queen of Shoe Bargains." (BTW, I figure if each of you 'helpful' enablers send me $1, it will more than cover the purchase price.)

# 7
A certain man confirmed he is a dumb**s. Oops. That slipped out. Nowhere does it say "Bonnie" means perfect.


  1. Sounds like a good list, Bonnie. Congrats to your dd's cheer team, that is an amazing achievment.

  2. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Bonnie, sounds like you're feeling a little bit better. Send me an email I want to hear the un-pollyanna version. Glad you had a nice vacation and came home to a clean house :) g

  3. I suppose I have to send you a $1? Well enjoy the shoes, the clean house and the tax refund!

  4. What a great list! And a great reminder to focus on the positive. LOVE the new shoes.. what a great bargain.

  5. That is a great list. I thank you and Janice for reminding me to focus on the positive. Life is so much better that way! :)

  6. Now don't you feel better just talking about all the good! :)

    BTW, those shoes are fierce!


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