Saturday, March 08, 2008

In honor of the Blizzard of 2008

Well, I still haven't cut out any of the projects from the last post but since winter clearly is not going away, I DID make a hat that I have had on my mind for a few months now. My inspiration was the "Lola" hat shown here but at $285, it was just a wee bit out of my price range! (I didn't think it was appropriate to copy the photo right onto my blog.) This designer has other lovely hats, check them out here and here,

I decided to try to make something similar so here is my hat inspired by Lola:

Mine was a bit cheaper:
Leftover scrap of polar fleece - $0
Two yards velvet ribbon - $2
Pattern (B4643) - $3

Grand total - $5

I had to play around with the pattern a lot to get the look I wanted. The hat part was longer than I wanted and the brim was floppier than I wanted. So, I basted and ripped and basted and ripped until I had it looking like I wanted. But after I sewed the final seams, I didn't like how wide the brim turned out. I wanted a closer-to-the-face look. I didn't feel like ripping out seams from the polar fleece (I would have gone blind!) so I improvised. What do you think of my "design feature". Hee hee.


  1. You did a heck of a job! Looks great!!!

  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I think the hat looks great! I really like the folded out extra brim and snaps? is that in the back or oposite the tie? Very cute! g

  3. Cute hat, love the "design feature". Winter/Spring, whatever you call it is weird in New England, too! Enjoy your snow.

  4. Love the hat. A better description of the price:

    Leftover scrap of polar fleece - $0
    Two yards velvet ribbon - $2
    Pattern (B4643) - $3

    Having a "Lola' for a fraction of the cost - Priceless

  5. Your hat is great! I love how you improvised.

  6. What a fabulous hat! Well done!

  7. Fantastic hat, Bonnie.

  8. While this weather is crazy(we got dumped on too), that hat is fabulous!

  9. What a cute hat, I loe it!


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