Saturday, March 08, 2008

How cool is this?

We ended up with about a foot of snow. I assumed I would be snowed in for a few days. My driveway is about 100 feet long not counting the top part. I figured that was too much snow for my kids and me to attack today; rather we'd wait a day or two until some melted and then we would clear it.

But while I was downstairs cutting out fabric this afternoon, some good Samaritan came by and cleared my driveway. I have no idea who it was. My son saw him leaving and said it was an older guy with a plow on his truck - I don't know anyone fitting that description. I wish I could thank him. How incredibly nice.


  1. Our neighbors ROCK. :) Someone owns a major snowblower, and after clearing their long driveway, they went around and cleared the other drives on the street. It was so nice not to have to try and shovel our sloped drive!

    Those good deeds just make me smile.

  2. That's excellent! And the hat is cute too!

  3. Someone with a big truck went up and down my driveway so I at least have tire tracks to follow. :)

  4. That is really nice! Stay warm - it makes me cold just to look at the photo!

  5. That is incredibly nice!

  6. Holy cow! Look at that snow. I love it, but from a distance. Say, down here in Florida. :wink: Great to read about kind strangers, and how lucky and timely for you.

  7. Anonymous6:25 PM

    My big snow-and-neighbors story, if you're curious, is at
    (hoping that goes through). We're in California now, where the offer letter on the job promised "no home delivery of snow."


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