Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I know I shouldn't complain....

Aside from a mattress on the floor and a tv on a little stand, my bedroom has been empty for several months since the big D. I've been sort of leisurely shopping for bedroom furniture for several months, however, there are definitive advantages to my current arrangement:
  • I don't have to worry about falling out of bed and breaking a bone.
  • No furniture to dust.
  • Herschel (with his 3" legs) can easily jump on and off the bed. [Hmm... that's not really an advantage.]
  • It's quite easy to vacuum with no furniture to move.
But I digress...

I decided that it was time to quit living like a college student and get some furniture. After some looking, I found something I liked that would not break the bank. I ordered it Sunday knowing that it had a four to six week delivery time. One of the pieces was even identified as being back-ordered (what do I care, I've lived without for months, right?) It was all good - gave me some time.
  • Time for the tax refund to arrive to pay for said furniture.
  • Time to sand and prime the feather dusted walls (Dear Lord, was that ever really a good look?)
  • Time to browse HGTV.com for some decorating ideas.
  • Time to buy the painting supplies.
  • Time to find bedding and accessories.
So what did I find in my inbox after arriving home from work today?
Dear Bonnie D. Thank you for your order from 'We're just kidding' Furniture Distributors. We shipped your entire order today.

Umm... that's two days. Not four to six weeks. [Yeah, I know.... Quityerbellyachin', Bonnie.]

My arms already ache from the sanding I did this evening but I'm just about done. Can somebody come help me paint? I'll make you a nice dinner!


Oh... what does it look like you ask? Well, here is the bed....


  1. Whoa! Usually news of a two day ship time versus six weeks would be good...but not when you're thinking you have six weeks to prepare!

    I did the feather dust paint thing too, and honestly, what were we thinking! At least it's better than stripping wallpaper - we still have one tiny bathroom that had 80s wallpaper when we moved in that we haven't gotten around to removing yet.

    But back to you...love the bed frame you choose.

  2. LOLOLOL -- I loved your story.

    Tell me -- have you really been worrying about falling out of bed???

    I'd be happy to do the painting esp. for dinner and drinks (and drinks) . .

    Congrats on the new bedroom - a new look will be very cheering!

  3. Good luck with the sanding and painting, quite a job. The bed is wonderful

  4. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Wow! What an undertaking. Good luck getting it finished. I'd be happy to help, if I weren't prepping to go on vacation :) g

  5. Now that looks comfy! Good luck with the painting!

  6. I love the furniture - can't wait to see what you do with the room!

  7. The bed looks great - I hear you on the painting. The good thing is it will be done and you won't be looking at the walls thinking, "I really have to get to work on this." Instead you will within just a few short weeks, walk into your room and feel relief and comfort. Good luck

  8. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Didn't realize you had been thru a big "D". So sorry. You sure do get a ton accomplished!!! I'm very impressed.
    Pat yourself on back!

  9. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Oh, and I keep forgetting to ask, where can I get the recipe for that yummy-looking apple pie??
    Going to make it as soon as Lent is over. Hopefully, oldest dd, and her bf will help eat it. No one else likes (fruit) pie in the family.

  10. Wow! What a surprise! Lovely bed, though. Lots of work now, but I have no doubt you'll love relaxing in it when it's all done.

  11. oh I love the bed! Hope you'll show off the entire room when you get it done! Good Luck!


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