Monday, March 10, 2008

I hope I don't offend....

But this is the funniest darn thing I've seen in awhile. And I suspect many of my Midwest and New England blog friends share this sentiment.


  1. You are D@#% F@#$#!@ right I do. Where is that stinking spring and summer ever going to get here. (Can you tell I am a month away from vacation? And to a tropical place too). I loved that snow sculpture and my thanks to whoever put it so "eloquently".

  2. I cannot fathom that much snow. Beyond my comprehension and I'm sick of winter.

    Was that online or in your neighborhood? hehe.

  3. Hilarious! And whoever did that is really talented too.

  4. LOL! Was it local? I am ready for spring!!!

  5. Funny! Just when I thought it was going to be Spring, we get a daggone cold snap yesterday and had to pull our coats back out! grrr.

  6. No offense. That's too funny. I can not tell you how sick I'm of the snow and cold.


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