Monday, January 07, 2008

Political Survey

Thanks for all the nice comments on the jumper in my last post. It is a great pattern. I appreciate all the feedback on the light versus dark look. I think people unanimously preferred the dark, which is funny as I was leaning the other way. I'm thinking I should reach out to you all more frequently when I am trying to figure out what to wear to work!

I'm a sucker for online quizzes. So today, instead of figuring out what flavor ice cream I should be or what kind of Goddess I am, I assessed my political affiliation via this poll that I saw on Beth's blog. Because I have both conservative and liberal tendencies, I was curious to see where this poll would put me. Wow! Although not surprised to see more red than blue, I was surprised (and a bit alarmed!) to see which candidates I was more strongly aligned with based on my answers to the questions. (Beth, maybe I should not come back to knitting group until mid-November!)

73% Mitt Romney
72% Fred Thompson
68% John McCain
67% Rudy Giuliani
63% Tom Tancredo
60% Mike Huckabee
58% Ron Paul
54% Bill Richardson
44% Chris Dodd
43% Hillary Clinton
41% Barack Obama
41% John Edwards
33% Joe Biden
31% Mike Gravel
26% Dennis Kucinich

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz


  1. But evidently you don't feel as strongly with your top matches as I do. (73% vs 92%) Interesting!

  2. Wow, mine was 96% Barack Obama followed closely by John Edwards. Very interesting.
    Add one more vote for the dark look.

  3. OK now you are totally freaking me out! I ALSO had Romney as my #1 when I took a quiz like that a few months ago!! AND I matched more in the moderate level like you did (see Beth's comment) Where we are not however twins is on the back side - yours looks way better than mine!

  4. Definitely come to knitting as soon as you can! We miss you!


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