Sunday, January 06, 2008

I FINALLY sewed a Burda WOF!

I finished up this Burda jumper tonight. I had everything done last night except the hem. I wanted to do a twin needle hem but I didn't think I had matching thread. I checked again and VOILA. Found some. I found a great tip for knit hems via Laura's PR review of this same jumper. I used it on my hem and it works great. No more bulky seams!

So what do you think... Cream turtleneck and tights and brown boots or black turtleneck, tights and boots? I'm leaning towards cream. (Hey... how come I look shorter in the cream ensemble??)

The details:

Pattern: Burda World of Fashion, September 2007, #121 "Pinafore Dress"
Size 36 although I ended up taking it in at the hips so a 34 probably would have been fine
Fabric: Some really stretchy cotton lycra (I think) blend in a heathered denim color that I've had in my stash forever. I am reasonably sure I bought this fabric to make leggings when I was pregnant with my son. Who is now 13. Which makes the fabric 14 years old. And the lycra has not dry-rotted!

LOVE this jumper!

This is the first Burda WOF pattern I've actually made. I have had another one cut out for several months but I haven't started sewing it yet. The style in the WOF patterns is awesome! I have still not subscribed to the monthly publication but I think it's just a matter of time. For now, I buy the monthly issues that I like for $8 plus $2 s/h.

I had a little trouble figuring out the back pleats. Burda WOF is skimpy on instructions as well as drawings and pictures. I THINK I was sewing the back pleats correctly but they caused the skirt to stick out at weird angles. Not sure if it's the size of my behind or maybe the shape of it or perhaps simply user error but I went with a box pleat and it seems to be laying flatter. Here is a picture (do you know how hard it is to take a picture of your own b*tt?)


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Wow - when you get going. I actually like the darker look. How about a 'color' turtleneck, say pink or something? Then you could do neutral tights and any color boots.

  2. I vote for the darker look. IMO, the cream look is too contrasty and chops you up. It is a nice jumper, regardless.

  3. I like it with the black, but I'm a simple girl.
    I love this jumper. I wish I could find this BWOF issue for myself...

  4. That's really cute! I like the black too. The sort of thing I might wear if I was thin. ;)

  5. Your first BWOF turned out great! I have to say, I like the dark top best too...

  6. While I like the dark top best, I love both the looks. You look aweeesome. And, the box pleats actually look better than the BWOF pleats. When I make this again (which I will), I'm copying you! You look a-mazing!

  7. Bonnie, your first project looks fantastic. I vote darker turtleneck, too.

    And we are sewing twins - I just posted my jumper a few minutes ago!

  8. You look beautiful in this jumper and I prefer the darker look too. I could see it with a purple/fuchsia turtleneck as well. Great job!

  9. Anonymous10:13 AM

    You look great! I like the darker color with the black boots the best.

  10. Anonymous1:57 PM

    You look great!!
    BWOF rocks. :)
    I made this dress in the fall and until I got pregnant, it was one of my favorite things to wear at work.

    My vote goes to the cream look.

  11. Oh, that is fabulous! I have this issue, and after seeing your reviews and several others, I have GOT to make me this jumper!

  12. This looks great! I like black with black. Now I want to make one!

  13. I thought the same thing you did before I even read it. The cream ensemble shortens you. I vote for the black. It makes you taller and thinner too. I think that is how it goes, the taller you look, the thinner you look. Love the boots!

  14. Great result, this dress looks wonderful on you.

  15. Congratulations on your first BWOF. The dress looks great on you. My votes for the black top.
    Happy Sewing!

  16. Very flattering on you. I like the black turtleneck better too. I can see how this could be worn all the time.

  17. Very nice! The cream color creates "blocks" so as someone else says it then looks chopped so you look shorter. The darker color flows with the jumper color and looks more "vertical" thus taller. Really nice jumper.

  18. Well done! I really like this pattern and the final result suits you so well!

  19. Great jumper!! I actually like the darker look as well, but both work!


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