Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hello, IT Department? Ummm, I think I need a new keyboard

Ya see, I received an email from Vogue Patterns in which they are highlighting their new spring designs and one of their new patterns made me spit my coffee all over my keyboard.

I don't care how nice your butt might be. That is NOT a good look!! Michael Kors, I love you but what are ya thinkin????


  1. Hahahaha, I agree! LOL

  2. I dunno, I kind of like it. Not for me but for someone in their 20's with "Buns of Steel", why not?

  3. oh good. it's not just me.

  4. "Don't have wrinkles on your face, have them on your backside!"

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    It looks she sat down and when she stood up her dress got caught in her butt crack.

  6. Bingo, Nancy! That's exactly what I thought but couldn't figure out how to describe it as ummmmm.... eloquently as you.

  7. What Nancy said. Or unfortunate skirt/nylon interactions. There's actually a Nabokov quote about the "frock-fold stuck in the peach cleft" that comes to mind.

  8. Me too.....all I could think is that the judges would tear that apart on Project Runway!

  9. Anonymous7:38 PM

    ROFL!!! I almost needed a new keyboard also after reading the "butt" description. At first I thought it was OK -- not for me of course, but now, I'm not so sure. I could definitely see some of the "hollywood" types wearing it -- like Britney 'course you'd have to chop about 8" off the bottom first- or Paris.
    20 yo DD thought it was cute, but her comment was that the person wearing it would have to be really thin.

  10. Yes, there is definitely something not quite right with that pattern!!! Nancy sums it up quite well :-)

  11. LOL I would be walking behind someone wearing that wanting to straighten their dress out or spray some of that static guard on it. That is what it reminds me of. I totally agree with nancy.

  12. Chuckle, chuckle. It is a bit much isn't it?


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