Monday, January 14, 2008

Apron Swap - how cool!!

First, Thanks for all the good tips via comments and emails regarding the McCalls jacket. I am not completely abandoning my robe... I mean my jacket but I'm going to let it sit on Lola for awhile while I ponder what to do with it. Life's too short to sew things I'm not in love with.

But on a more exciting note... I just read about a great swap - The Sassy Apron Swap! It sounds like a lot of fun. Click on the button to read details on the blog. I also added added a button on the sidebar. To summarize:
  • sign-ups are open until January 20th;
  • participants must sew an apron or purchase a homemade apron (i.e. from an Etsy shop or something similar);
  • the apron must have a pocket;
  • you must include a soup recipe in your package;
  • apron must be mailed by March 1st.

BTW, the hostess, Lucy, intends to do other swaps later in the year. Very cool!


  1. That is very cool. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Hmmmmmm - could you hire a good friend to make the apron for you?


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