Monday, December 24, 2007

Stick a Christmas Fork in it

I just finished up the twins' capelets - the Christmas presents are done! And I still have 30 minutes to spare until we have to leave for Mass.

Merry Christmas everybody!!!!


  1. Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Merry Christmas Bonnie - I hope you had a chance to just sit down, relax and enjoy the holiday! b

  3. Oh how cute Bonnie!!
    Hope you had a Merry Christmas!!

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Those are so cute. I think I'm going to have to take a sewing class. It would be nice to whip up a quick gift every now and then.

  5. Happy Holidays. The cape are too cute.

  6. I'm exhausted just reading everything you've done! Love the capelets, the bunny hat set and all the rest. I've been "forced" to print the rolo turtle recipe and will definitely give it a try. Love the turtle pillow cases. Glad I could addict you to something new. Miss K was wearing MY new apron while she helped me on Christmas - she looked adorable!

  7. Yay glad that you got it all done. I hope you had a Merry Christmas.


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